We are not of "those who shrink back" . . . except when we are. Sometimes when the life of faith asks difficult things of us we quail and lose heart. In those moments of decision we want for obedience and faith to win out over fear and doubt. We don't want to be haunted by regret. We want all the blessings that come from being obedient to Jesus.
Please take the time to watch this riveting short film and then answer the following questions. 1. What is the thing God is calling you to that is your equivalent of the ten meter platform? 2. What is the thing God is calling your church to that is ten meters above the water? 3. What about the leapers in the movie surprised you? 4. What surprised you about those who failed to leap? 5. What other observations or spiritual applications do you have to make after watching the film?
Furnace Brook Wesleyan Church Blog