The Step challenge starts today! I’m super pumped and I hope you are too. For more information about the Step Challenge, check it out my previous post. For the next month we will walk/run/hike/ski (or whatever) to stay positive and finish this winter season out on a strong note! Tune into the blog for fun fitness ideas, and tag us on social media and use the hashtag #stepwithit to win weekly challenges. Step With It challenge: Get Stepping! 1) Register directly on our website or follow the links on Facebook or Instagram. 2) Choose a weekly activity or challenge to push yourself! 3) Submit your weekly step totals on Facebook, Instagram, or by email to [email protected]. And or share with the #stepwithit. 4) Enjoy the benefits of fresh air, exercise, and community encouragement! Join us each Wednesday and submit your weekly step totals on Facebook, Instagram, or by email to [email protected]. The individual with the most steps will be announced on Thursday morning. Don’t forget to tag Furnace Brook on social media with your pictures using the hashtag #stepwithit. Also, tune in to the blog as I’ll be posting words of encouragement, health tips, and recipes! 5 Reasons to Join the Step Challenge As a scientist, I always ask the question, why? So why do the step challenge with Furnace Brook?
How to track your steps Whether you have a step tracker or not, keeping track of steps is easy! Consider the following methods for step tracking. 1. Use your fitbit, smartphone, or step tracker to keep track of steps. 2. Log your miles. 1 mile is approximately 2,000 steps. 3. Use the Health App on your phone. Its probably already keeping track of your steps for you! 4. Use an app on your phone to log your steps. Here are some useful ones I have used in the past:
When I started running before Garmin watches and FitBits, I made my mom do this for me ;). What fitness Apps do you use? Have you ever done a step challenge before? What keeps you motivated? Written by Abigail Elliott
Valentines Day feels like the quaintest, most old fashioned of the public holidays we still enjoy in the United States. Granted, much of what’s old fashioned about it has been smoothed out by the hot irons of commercialism and political correctness. If someone brings one card to school he must bring enough for every classmate (and the teachers to boot). And generally speaking the holiday has more to do with chocolate than with actual romance. Men: Here’s How to Express your Love without Losing your Masculinity But romance is a real thing and it’s really worth celebrating. And Valentines Day seems like a good opportunity to reflect on how a man who wants to love the other gender can do a better job of that without forfeiting his masculinity. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. - Ephesians 5:25 Men: Here are 8 Ways to Love Your Valentine And, in the spirit of celebrating the spirit of Valentine's Day, we offer these tips for men who love women. 1. Men who love women are respectfully considerate of the ways in which women are different. Loving women means taking frank stock of the ways in which they are different and honoring those differences. 2. Men who love women work hard at being good men.They work to be competent and capable, to be fit and active, and to have the sort of character that makes their physicality and ability a blessing to women and not a cause for discomfort. Many claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful person who can find? The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them." - Proverbs 20:6-7 3. Men who love women reject pornography. If you are a man who loves women there can be no room for pornography in your life. 4. Men who love women expect a lot of women. Love without admiration is really just a fond contempt. And if a man admires women let it be because they are resilient, sacrificial, intuitive, capable, diligent, relational, and strong with the fierce strength of mothers made indomitable by love. Let a man admire women because they bear the image of God with grace and mystery. And if a man’s love for women is full of admiration let his regard for women be full of expectation. 5. Men who love women offer to lead. And they are especially willing to make that offer when the leadership is going to be most costly and thankless. But they are careful to offer and not to insist. 6. Men who love women are emphatically faithful and monogamous in relationship. Men love all women best when they love one woman exclusively. 7. Men who love women accept the leadership of women. Not only that, they follow in such a way as to make the woman leading feel honored for her leadership. 8. Men who love women do things like walk on the side of traffic. They express their love of women with the little gestures of deference and protection that still possess some charm for those who prefer not to take offense.They make these gestures with no aim of being petted for having done so and being careful not to take umbrage when the gesture is rejected. What are some other things you think are true of the man who loves women? Comment below and let us know! Written by: Joel Tate It’s mid February, who is feeling the winter blues? I love the wintertime, like love it, but some days the cold seeps into my bones and I can’t shake it. I’m convinced living in Vermont makes you a stronger person. We have to put on three layers top and bottom to make it through the work day, start our cars 20 minutes ahead anytime we want to go out, and wear boots everyday for 5 months. The Secret to Living in Vermont Vermont-living is not for the faint in heart, but some of us have the privilege to call the Green Mountains our home. Part of living in Vermont and surviving the winter months is finding activities outside that you love. Seriously, it is the secret to surviving. You’re cold? Go outside. It is counter intuitive, but it works. Try it. You’ll feel better because you took in the fresh air and doing a mental detox and you’re exercising rather than eating a pizza. My personal mantra is laps before lattes. I tell myself if I can do anything a with the forethought that the espresso machine is waiting on the other end. My core winter activities include Nordic skiing and hiking. I’m kind of a wimp about winter running and mostly stick to the treadmill in the wintertime. Lame, I know. What are some of your winter activities? I know the Brandon Free Library and Maclure Library have snowshoes available for community members to use. Join us for the Step With It Challenge I’ve been blessed to be able to work at Furnace Brook this winter. Mary and I have been hiking local trails a couple times a week and it has helped remarkably with my mood! During one of our hikes we decided we wanted to encourage other people to get outside and enjoy all that God has blessed us with here in Vermont. So, we have created the Step with It step challenge beginning 2/20 and ending on the first day of spring, 3/20. We are asking you to join us in finishing the last leg of the winter season. The step challenge is an easy way to hold each other accountable to getting outside and staying active. We often forget how beautiful it is outside because we’re just trying to stay warm. For the next month we will walk/run/hike/ski or whatever to stay positive and finish this winter season out on a strong note. There is a calendar available on the registration form available for printing off to log your steps and there are some creative activities to try if you’re looking for inspiration. Join us each Wednesday and submit your weekly step totals on Facebook, Instagram, or by email to [email protected]. The individual with the most steps will be announced on Thursday morning. Log your steps however you choose. Note: 1 mile is approximately 2,000 steps. Step With It challenge: Get Stepping! 1) Register directly on our website or follow the links on Facebook or Instagram. 2) Choose a weekly activity or challenge to push yourself! 3) Submit your weekly step totals on Facebook, Instagram, or by email to [email protected]. And or share with the #stepwithit. 4) Enjoy the benefits of fresh air, exercise, and community encouragement! Don’t forget to tag Furnace Brook on social media with your pictures using the hashtag #stepwithit. Also, tune in to the blog as I’ll be posting words of encouragement, health tips, and recipes! Be well, Abbey Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. 3 John 1:2 |
Furnace Brook Wesleyan Church Blog