The Town of Pittsford, Vermont, is one of our two locations, and we love Pittsford.
Furnace Brook Loves Pittsford, Vermont We love living here, eating here, shopping here, and, of course, worshiping here. It's a good town and it's been a blessing to us. So it's no surprise that we are eager to be a blessing to our town. We can not achieve our mission of making more and better disciples without loving the town in which we are located. "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased".- Hebrews 13:16 A little over a year ago we were giving some serious consideration to purchasing the farm across the road from Kamuda's Market and building a church building there that would be our own. Admittedly, much of the appeal for Pastor Joel had to do with working in even greater proximity to Kamuda's amazing deli. But in the end God directed us to pursue a longer term lease for our current location and, as things turn out, we're awfully glad He did. Forrest Farm Since then the property, known locally as the Forrest Farm, was purchased by a local couple, the Bairds, who have a desire to see the property used for the benefit of the town. A couple of weeks ago the Village Farm Working Group had a public meeting at Lothrop Elementary to help community members brainstorm about the possible uses to which the property might be put. Furnace Brook Wesleyan was there to provide childcare for the event, and subsequent meetings of the working group have taken place at the church. Help Us Bless the Community And on February 8th they will be having another public meeting at Lothrop to come to some decisions about the best ideas that have been put forward. And we have been asked to, again, provide childcare as well as some light refreshments for that meeting. And you don't have to be a resident of Pittsford to contribute to our church's effort to bless the town in which we meet for worship. If you are open to baking some cookies or cutting some cheese or even helping to watch a few kids please let us know in the comments section or by calling the church at 483-2531.
This Tuesday, we had the opportunity to pray and worship corporately at our Forest Dale location. The worship team, and those who attended can attest that the Holy Spirit is active and moving! With the spirit of heartfelt prayer and praise- we are excited to hear from two preachers on Sunday at the Pittsford location. Sunday: Hebrews 13 with sermons on Leaders and Those They Lead. This week, we are going to continue our series in Hebrews 13 with sermons on Leaders and Those They Lead. Hebrews 13:7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 13:17 Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you. ![]() Preaching at 9:00 in Pittsford and at 11:00 in Forest Dale will be Rev. Barry Tate, Pastor Tate's father. Rev. Tate pastored churches in Massachusetts, New Mexico, and Maryland before moving to Vermont where he has provided occasional preaching at many local churches. He brings a wealth of biblical insight, years of pastoral experience, and (regrettably) a deep repository of embarrassing stories about your pastor. And while he is unlikely to share those stories with you on Sunday morning, you are certainly going to hear the word of God spoken with clarity and conviction. ![]() Scott Burchfield will be preaching at the 11:00 service in Pittsford where you will notice a couple of things about him right away: he's got a wonderful Southern accent (North Carolina), he's a big man, and he loves God's word with passionate intensity. Scott has, most recently served at Mission City Church where he was the pastor in charge of visitation, a role in which he excels. Expect to hear a sermon from the heart, in which a godly man will show you not only what to think about God's word, but how to feel about it and how to respond to it. Where is Pastor Tate? Pastor Tate will be out of town this weekend, attending District Ministerial along with colleagues from across the Northeast District of the Wesleyan Church, along with pastors from the Penn-Jersey District, the district we are looking to merge with this year. It will be a good opportunity for Joel to network with other pastors and to get spiritually refreshed for the work that God has called him to do here in Vermont. In his absence, we are blessed to worship alongside Join us for a Prayer & Worship service on |
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