The Town of Pittsford, Vermont, is one of our two locations, and we love Pittsford.
Furnace Brook Loves Pittsford, Vermont We love living here, eating here, shopping here, and, of course, worshiping here. It's a good town and it's been a blessing to us. So it's no surprise that we are eager to be a blessing to our town. We can not achieve our mission of making more and better disciples without loving the town in which we are located. "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased".- Hebrews 13:16 A little over a year ago we were giving some serious consideration to purchasing the farm across the road from Kamuda's Market and building a church building there that would be our own. Admittedly, much of the appeal for Pastor Joel had to do with working in even greater proximity to Kamuda's amazing deli. But in the end God directed us to pursue a longer term lease for our current location and, as things turn out, we're awfully glad He did. Forrest Farm Since then the property, known locally as the Forrest Farm, was purchased by a local couple, the Bairds, who have a desire to see the property used for the benefit of the town. A couple of weeks ago the Village Farm Working Group had a public meeting at Lothrop Elementary to help community members brainstorm about the possible uses to which the property might be put. Furnace Brook Wesleyan was there to provide childcare for the event, and subsequent meetings of the working group have taken place at the church. Help Us Bless the Community And on February 8th they will be having another public meeting at Lothrop to come to some decisions about the best ideas that have been put forward. And we have been asked to, again, provide childcare as well as some light refreshments for that meeting. And you don't have to be a resident of Pittsford to contribute to our church's effort to bless the town in which we meet for worship. If you are open to baking some cookies or cutting some cheese or even helping to watch a few kids please let us know in the comments section or by calling the church at 483-2531.
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